v5.5 [Jul 1, 2015]
Added support for most of the special IUPAC chemical kinetics forms from the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM).
Users can utilize the OUTC[] operator(b) for a species for reaction rates that involve families of species.
General enhancements.
v4.5 [Apr 1, 2012]
There is a bug in the scanning mode of Kintecus (the "-scan" flag). It
only happens when one is utilizing thermodynamics mode (the "-THERM" flag is provided on the command line) and in constant pressure mode ("YES" is in the "Constant Pressure" field located on the PARM worksheet). The bug is that Kintecus will use the initial pressure for the very first scan run to be enforced in all subsequent scan runs instead of resetting the pressure for each new scan. The bug has been corrected.
v4.4 [Sep 25, 2011]
Bug corrections with:
- reactions that have more than three products and fraction stoichiometric coefficients (global reactions).
- integrator #5 now produces more accurate results and works with NSA analyses
- more minor corrections to third-body reactions with enhanced body coefficients.
- both 32-bit and 64-bit available for Linux.
v3.9 [Apr 24, 2008]
Enhacements and bug fixes